1 Execution site(s)
Lidia H., born in 1928: “Those Jews who were brought here were placed in the pigsties. The pigsties used to belong to the collective farm but when the war broke out, all the cattle were evacuated, and they remained empty. There were many Jews, each family was placed in a separate cage. Even though it was forbidden, I used to go there with my mother to bring them food. I remember once, when we came, a dead Jewish woman was about to be taken out of the pigsty. This image stayed in my mind forever. After that case, I have not come back there again.” (Witness °2767U, interviewed in Floryne)
“In 1941, the German and Romanian occupiers brought 1,400 Jews from Bukovina and Bessarabia to Florino [today Floryne]. They were confined into the warehouses of the collective farms, ‘Dmitrieva’, ‘Politotdela’ and ’13 Partsiezda’. It was established that on the day of the liberation only 197 people remained alive. So, 1,203 Jews died from bad conditions and torture. They were buried at the Jewish cemetery. 197 people came back to their homes.” [Act drawn up by Soviet State Extraordinary Commission on April 15, 1945; GARF: 7021-54-1242]
Floryne is located 150km (93mi) southeast of Vinnytsia. According to the residents interviewed by Yahad, no Jews lived in Floryne. A big Jewish community lived in Bershad, a town located 3km away. In 1853, 2,941 Jews lived in the town. In 1900, the Jewish population numbered 4,500 people comprising 64% of the total population. The community possessed synagogues, several houses of prayer, and a Jewish cemetery.
Floryne was occupied by German and Romanian forces at the end of July 1941. The village remained under the Romanians and became part of Transnistria in September 1941. Shortly after, a ghetto was created where the Jews deported, in the fall of 1941, from Bessarabia and Bukovina, were confined. According to the Soviet Archives, about 1,400 Jews- men, women, and children among them- were placed in the cowsheds, stables and pigsties that belonged to the three collective farms. The buildings were not fenced in, although it was forbidden for Jews to leave the territory and for local people to come and bring food. During the ghetto existence, hundreds of the Jewish inmates starved to death or died as a result of diseases.
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