Gedeonovka | Smolensk


Execution of Jews in Gedeonovka

1 Execution site(s)

Period of occupation:
Witnesses interviewed:

Witness interview

Victor P.: "I saw the frozen bodies and even the people who were still alive being taken out from the trains which were coming from the East. The prisoners dug and filled in those mass graves. In the winter the bodies were piled up and in the spring a foul smell spread. This place was constantly watched by the Germans." (Witness N°62, intervied in Mogalinshchina, on December 3, 2009).

Soviet archives

"On July 16, 1943, the day of the second anniversary of Smolensk’s occupation, the Germans transported the Jews in gas vans from the ghetto to Gedeonovka. During the transporting, they offused an asphyxiating gas inside the vehicles. After they had brutally killed them, they arrived at Gedeonovka and hurled the dead in a trench. In this way, more than 1,500 persons were killed : men, women, the elderly and children." (RG-22.002M/1630-2/19)

Historical note

Gedeonovka is a village located 4 kilometers from Smolensk

Holocaust by bullets in figures

In the fall of 1943, the Extraordinary Soviet Commission found that after the liquidation of the ghetto on July 15, 1942, around 1,800 Jews (women, elderly and children) were put in a gas van and brought to ravines between the villages of Gedeonovka and Magalinchtchina. During these years, the Nazi units killed communists and civilians together. All together, 5,000 people were shot in these ravines. 

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