1 Execution site(s)
Vladimir S.: “The shooting took place during the summer, it was hot. There were bushes near the execution site. The Jews moved up to the pit one by one and received a bullet in the head. It was quiet. A well-dressed woman with a little 2 year-old girl fell into the pit but the little girl wasn’t shot. One of the boys of the village had arrange the bodies in the pit.” (Witness N°650, interviewed in Rudkovshchina, on June 20, 2013).
According to some sources, there were around 100 Jews in the village upon the arrival of the Germans in the summer of 1941. The Jews were merchants or artisans.
At the end of February 1943, the Jews of the village were rounded up by the Germans and local policemen. According to Vladimir S. (Witness N°650), the Jews were gathered in a big house (an old maternity hospital) about 500 meters from the Maslaki road. According to Soviet sources, they were taken to the execution site on carts or on foot. The grave was located near a forest, 500 meters from the village. The Jews had to approach the grave one by one before being shot in the head.
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