Wojslawice | Lublin

© Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum © Olga Szymerowska - Yahad-In Unum

Execution of Jews in Wojslawice

1 Sitio(s) de ejecución

Investigated by Yahad:
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Archivos polacos

IPN, OKL S 107/07/Zn: “During the occupation, I lived in Wojslawice. In the off-season of 1942, the first mass shooting was carried out against the Jewish population. Near the market, near the Orthodox church, dozens of Jews were gathered and the German gendarmerie shot them with a machine-gun. There were women and children. They shot almost 60 Jews including 20 children under the age 14. The civilian population wasn’t there during this execution, everybody was scared, which is why I wasn’t there. I lived near this place and I saw the execution from my window.”

Pueblos cercanos

  • Janowka
  • Dubienka
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